"petr pechman photographer professional photographer cars stills"
I am a professional photographer.
I specialize in photographing cars, stills, landscapes, architecture and people.
To take a break from commercial photography from time to time, I also take photos of weddings with great pleasure. You can find samples at www.nejlepsisvatebnifotky.cz
Of course, I take photos for big companies, but that doesn't mean I reject individuals, small companies self-employed or just individuals.
I organize photography workshops for children to improve the general quality of photography.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you need great pictures of your oldtimer, what you make, how to set up a camera or just advise on how to take better pictures.
I am a photographer - a human being and my services are here for you.
I don't know if it's important to make a list of the companies I've worked for. It may be important to someone, but more important to me is the feeling that I always try my best. If I do what I enjoy, it's a passion. It's important to show you how I take photos and whether you like it or not, I think.
I am based in Prague (Czech Republic), but I work all over the world.
And you know what? I hate such clichés, where it says: “He started taking the first photos as a little boy, he took his first pictures in his father's darkroom and He and He and He, blah blah blah.
I love my family, I love friends, I love the sun, I love the sea,
I love good food, good movies, theater, I love what I do, I love.
My motto is, "Be happy because you can be happy - right now."